We are excited to be implementing our loyalty program for photographers! We love this option in lieu of monthly memberships as I know things can change and we didn’t want anyone to be locked into paying for something they wouldn’t use. This will allow you to spend whatever you like and have benefits according to that amount. *Benefits are subject to change yearly*
How it Works
We will look at spend totals twice a year (in January and June) for both of our studios combined, the Rosewood and Oak Atelier. Photographers will automatically be enrolled in this program and be reached out to via email. We’ll send out an email in January and June with your spend totals and tier status.
Tier 1 Benefits:
-A listing on our website as a featured, recommended photographer with a photograph and link to your website
-Top placement on our featured artistes page on our website
-The ability to make 1 hr bookings on weekends
-A 20% discount for bookings in The Oak, Elm, Alder or Willow rooms and 10% off seasonal sets in any room
-First access to book Seasonal Sets before we open to the public
-Membership at the Rosewood Atelier with access to membership pricing and a full page listing on our website
Tier 2 Benefits:
-A listing on our website as a featured, recommended photographer with a photograph and link to your website
-The ability to make 1 hr bookings on weekends
-A 10% discount for bookings in The Oak, Elm, Alder or Willow rooms
-Second access to book Seasonal Sets before we open to the public
-Membership at the Rosewood Atelier with access to discounted pricing and a link to your website on the Rosewood website
Looking for a photographer for your photoshoot?
View and book one of our Featured Artistes!
*A Photographer is not included with the rental of any of our spaces